Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's been a long time...I shouldn't have left you

Nothing much to say, but hi! Hope somebody has missed me. I'm still new to this blogging thing even though I "started" a while ago you see how infrequently I post, so I haven't found my voice yet. I love reading the blogs where the writers seem all cool and witty and make me want them as my new best friend. Anyway...I'll get there...hopefully. I've recently moved to a nice little quiet town in the south (more on that later...maybe) so perhaps I will be blogging a lot more now. Or not maybe, but hopefully because otherwise I will be probably be doing something destructive...because boredom seems to have that effect(affect) on me. So far I am thinking about getting the following things:

Most are detrimental to my health...all will be detrimental to my wallet. If I get the wii maybe I can avoid letting boredom drive me to do things I regret and just simulate a life with no regret i.e.

Then I can create someone who can do all those things for me! Knowing me this would actually be fun and keep me out of trouble. I think I just convinced myself to go buy this game today! Maybe I don't need to buy the wii and just buy the computer version....hmm

and of course i'm always thinking about these...

How come I can't be like those people who learn to do productive things when they're bored. I can't think of anything I want to try to teach myself to do, or at least nothing that I'll actually follow through with. I have recently fallen in love with HGTV my favorite show of all times is Bang For Your Buck. Can't wait to get my first house and some money! Maybe I'll learn how to put down flooring, especially since I hate what's in the kitchen and bathroom of my new apartment!

So as you can see my life is quite slow at the moment. Sometimes it's really frustrating, but I'm praying for patience and the ability to be content with myself for a while, and not concentrate on other people or things. I'm truly blessed in a lot of ways and just need to quiet all my plans for a while and enjoy the the fruits of all that I've worked so hard for to get to this point. Even though things don't always turn out the way you expect them, I have to keep believing that everything that has happened and is happening is all a part of my journey that will land me exactly where I want and need to be. More about that later, but the point of that all was patience I'm working on that virtue.

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