Monday, March 9, 2009

Sky's the Limit...

Biggie (RIP BIG) made some hits... my favorite probably isn't even heralded as one of his BEST, but it's my favorite b/c it speaks to me & I believe in it... "Sky's the Limit" (no surprise there though, I embeded the music video on my first post on this site last year - it's part of my mantra).

I still remember the first time I heard it, laying on my bed in my old room. Life After Death had been a bday gift from by big bro, & it actually may've been the last album I ever received. Fitting. But after poppin' off the plastic wrapping, & as I let the music ride, song after song, all of a sudden... "Good evening ladies & gentlemen," beat dropped, my head bopped. That was the only song I played, from both discs, for as long as I can remember (mad other hella dope tracks on the album, though, but u already knew that).

My mom & dad grinded & made it... they let my siblings & me want for nothing - but that didn't mean we knew it. My parents made sure we understood the value of hard work, integrity, responsibility, and accountability; they prepared us for challenges; they prepared us for life. U know how it goes, "b/c ur black, u can't get by being just as good, u have to be better." Fine, b/c I don't want to be average anyway. So instead of staring up at that glass ceiling, I dreamed of breaking through the roof. Like Biggie said, "Sky's the Limit." Why shouldn't I let myself soar, reaching for the stars...? & if I should happen to land on a cloud from time to time when things get rough, I'll fluff around in it for a little bit (u ever look out the window of a plane, while passing through the clouds & wonder what it'd be like to touch one? Yeah, I do), for w/ every passing cloud there's an experience there waiting to happen from which only growth can occur. After that I'll shoot for the stars again, & to the limit. Who said I couldn't.

Repeat oldie... but a goodie. Keep dreamin luhvs. Once ur through the roof, "Sky's the Limit."

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