Monday, April 7, 2008


I am the epitome of an angry black (wo)man right now. I'm two steps from going insane. I can't even think of a word that begins to convey my rage to you. It's no small wonder there aren't more black people in this God forsaken country's "mentally ill" &/or drug addicted, homeless people roaming-streets of the District of Corruption that I currently reside. I will finish this post quickly, before I have a temporary lapse of insanity (which people would like me to think of as actual sanity) and become less pissed with the world. The world deserves it.

See, I honestly believe that any sane & aware black person should be walking around this bitch pissed the f*** off, this is what I'm talking about: whenever we're not pissed the f*** off, we're having lapses of insanity. I'm posting this incoherent rant so I that I'll remember to post a more coherent letter to America including EVERY OTHER IMMIGRANT GROUP HERE to f*** off later. BLACK AMERICANS WHO ARE DESCENDANTS OF SLAVES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DON'T OWE ANYBODY A DAMN THING BUT OURSELVES.

This is an immediate response to a talk about Obama, Race, Religion and America on the campus of Georgetown University Law Center. But it also summarizes how I feel about many issues at the moment. Allow me to say it again though. BLACK AMERICANS WHO ARE DESCENDANTS OF SLAVES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DON'T OWE ANYBODY A DAMN THING BUT OURSELVES. This is what I want to shout from the rooftops. I want to lay my cards out on the table. Sh**, this is what you should know before heading to the table to negotiate in the first place. B LACK AMERICANS WHO ARE DESCENDANTS OF SLAVES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DON'T OWE ANYBODY A DAMN THING BUT OURSELVES.

Right now I have to be a good upwardly mobile negro and pull sources for my journal.

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