Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Let me understand your plan...

Sometimes you have to relax...& take it back...

Life is taking me for a Constant Ride

To rollercoastin:

"Last night I cried tossed and turned,
Woke up with dry eyes.
My mind was racing, feet were pacing.
Lord help me please tell me what I have gotten into.
Ran my 3 miles to clear my mind, it always helps me out,
It's my therapy when I'm losing it which is usually.

I'm on an emotional rollercoaster,
Loving you ain't nothing healthy,
Loving you was never good for me,
But I can't get off.

I'm on an emotional rollercoaster,
Loving you ain't nothing healthy,
Loving you was never good for me,
But I can't get off.

Yesterday I told myself I was gonna be okay,
Gonna start a new day be truly happy,
I was gonna take control of me.
But eventually, reality hit me,
Mentally, physicaly, emotionally,
And I opened my eyes and realized
That I was still being taken for a constant ride on your ........

I'm on an emotional rollercoaster,
Loving you ain't nothing healthy,
Loving you was never good for me,
But I can't get off.

I'm on an emotional rollercoaster,
Loving you ain't nothing healthy,
Loving you was never good for me,
But I can't get off.

So tired of you making love to me,
Then disappearing so suddenly,
Up and down it goes.
And I'm so tired of you pacifying me
With promises you know that you'll never keep,
Round and round it goes."

Monday, April 7, 2008


I am the epitome of an angry black (wo)man right now. I'm two steps from going insane. I can't even think of a word that begins to convey my rage to you. It's no small wonder there aren't more black people in this God forsaken country's "mentally ill" &/or drug addicted, homeless people roaming-streets of the District of Corruption that I currently reside. I will finish this post quickly, before I have a temporary lapse of insanity (which people would like me to think of as actual sanity) and become less pissed with the world. The world deserves it.

See, I honestly believe that any sane & aware black person should be walking around this bitch pissed the f*** off, this is what I'm talking about: whenever we're not pissed the f*** off, we're having lapses of insanity. I'm posting this incoherent rant so I that I'll remember to post a more coherent letter to America including EVERY OTHER IMMIGRANT GROUP HERE to f*** off later. BLACK AMERICANS WHO ARE DESCENDANTS OF SLAVES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DON'T OWE ANYBODY A DAMN THING BUT OURSELVES.

This is an immediate response to a talk about Obama, Race, Religion and America on the campus of Georgetown University Law Center. But it also summarizes how I feel about many issues at the moment. Allow me to say it again though. BLACK AMERICANS WHO ARE DESCENDANTS OF SLAVES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DON'T OWE ANYBODY A DAMN THING BUT OURSELVES. This is what I want to shout from the rooftops. I want to lay my cards out on the table. Sh**, this is what you should know before heading to the table to negotiate in the first place. B LACK AMERICANS WHO ARE DESCENDANTS OF SLAVES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DON'T OWE ANYBODY A DAMN THING BUT OURSELVES.

Right now I have to be a good upwardly mobile negro and pull sources for my journal.